CHW Academy's

Seven Pillars Of Health & Wellbeing

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Seven pillars of health & wellbeing

CHW Academy’s Christ-focused change management approach is established upon its own unique seven pillars of health and wellbeing framework, by which its products and services are designed and delivered. These seven pillars are spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social, intellectual and vocational. We all have aspirations in these areas of health and wellbeing.


We want to be balanced as a Christian, spiritually maturing, being relevant in the body of Christ and bearing fruit in every area of our lives


We want to have a sound mind and be mentally balanced, with a healthy thought life


We want to be in charge of our emotions and be positive in how we convey them


We want to walk in divine health, to be sound and fit in our body


We want to be knowledgeable, full of wisdom and be able to be seen as a respected wise person by our loved ones, friends and associates


We went to have a good social and working relationship with our families, spouses, friends and associates.


We want to achieve our vocational dreams and aspirations in our career, business or ministry


Helping you achieve

Your personal and professional aspirations.