Sexual Abuse

sexual abuse

What is sexual abuse?

Any sexual touch or activity without your consent is considered as sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is when offenders use force, threaten victims, or take advantage of victims without their consent. Sexual abuse occurs when a woman, man, or child is compelled to engage in sexual activity without their consent.

In the United States, there are more than 42 million survivors of sexual assault (National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse). Before 18, one out of every three girls is sexually molested. Before 18, one out of every five males is sexually molested, as stated by The Advocacy Center in the United States.

God’s thoughts on sexual abuse

We see clearly in 1 Thessalonians 4, verses 3 to 6, God’s thoughts on sexual abuse. These verses says
‘For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of
you knows how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles
who do not know God; that no one transgress and wrongs his brother in this matter, because the Lord is
an avenger in all these things, as we told you beforehand and solemnly warned you.’ In these verses,
God tells us to ensure we do not transgress or wrong each other in the area of sex. And that we should
abstain from any form of sexual immorality. Sexual abuse is a wrong against someone else and therefore
comes under the category of sexual immorality, which God says He will avenge. It is important to note
that these verses were directed at Christians because it tells us not to be like the Gentiles who do not
know God.

What are the signs of sexual abuse?

Any unwelcome sexual contact all falls under the category of sexual abuse.

  • Rape
  • Sexual child abuse
  • Incest
  • Attempted rape
  • Human trafficking
  • Sexual harassment

What are the signs of sexual abuse?

The following are signs of sexual abuse: 

  • Kissing or touching without permission.
  • Unwanted sexual activity that is harsh or aggressive.
  • Rape or rape attempt
  • Impairing someone’s ability to protect oneself against sexually transmitted infections
  • Having sexual contact with someone inebriated
  • Intentionally using drugs or alcohol to manipulate someone, without their consent or knowledge so as to have sex with them
  • Threatening someone into engaging in sexual behaviour
  • Actual or attempted penetration by an object or bodily part
  • Taking pornographic photographs or films of any type
  • Demeaning or degrading remarks about a person’s sex or sexuality

What are the Impacts of sexual abuse?

  • Someone who has survived a sexual attack may be at risk of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Mental torment from flashbacks can be a short-term or long-term challenge
  • At the risk of a condition known as complex posttraumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD).
  • Sexual assault is a trust betrayal. Most survivors have difficulty trusting people
  • Personality disorders can be triggered by sexual abuse.
  • Challenges with intimate relationships and having sex
  • Anxiety, depression, sadness, and guilt are part of the aftereffects of sexual abuse
  • Other impacts may include nightmares, depressive flashbacks, concentration difficulties, eating disorders, low self-esteem, and might fall into drug addiction.

In conclusion, do not ignore the signs and impacts of abuses in your life. Doing so limits God’s best for you and your life aspirations. Find ways to start your healing process. Whilst not speaking to experts may not be readily available to you, however, you can begin to take steps towards effective self-healing Christian options like meditation, prayers, scripture declaration immersion, identity in Christ refocusing and retreats.

Understanding your identity in Christ is very important, as this is the key to effectively overcoming the impact of traumas and abuses from life challenges. It is the starting of living life victoriously as a Christian, as it enables you to find healing, restoration from childhood and adulthood abuses and traumas. It forms
the understanding of how you interpret the events of life, how you approach life issues and how you go about resolving it. How do you know your identity in Christ? By studying the word of God. A simple way to start is do an internet search on identity in Christ verses and spend time reading, meditating and
praying into those verses.

Remember, life is not a rehearsal. God always wants you to choose freedom in Jesus Christ. To be free, you have to decide to be 100% responsible for the change you want to see in your life, even though you may be 100% blameless for the life challenges you find yourself facing. As such, be ready for change. As the solution to overcoming life challenges will usually involve a combination of spiritual insights and practical professional skills, on things God will show you to do to surge ahead. As always, remain blessed with divine health and wellbeing.

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